About The VCM Vet™
How does it work?
The VCM test Cartridge contains two glass discs mounted on flexible plastic arms. the discs are held parallel to each other by the arms and form a capillary which holds the test sample. The glass discs trigger clotting of the blood sample via contact activation. Each of the flexible arms has an engagement feature at its end, which interacts with the VCM Vet Analyzer.
How much does the VCM Vet Cost?
The VCM Vet is designed for simplicity of use, not requiring a highly trained laboratory technologist, with the objective of making this valuable clinical tool accessible to all veterinary practices. We offer a number of programs that make acquiring a VCM Vet easy for general, emergency and hospital practices.
Contact a representative today to find out more and receive a quote.
What information does viscoelastic testing give me that PT doesn't?
Prothrombin time (PT) was originally developed to assess the effect of anticoagulation on a patient, and has become widely used to diagnose coagulation in numerous circumstances. PT provides a measure of the time it takes for a clot to form, indicating the functioning of only part of the coagulation cascade. Viscoelastic coagulation testing provides information in real-time about the rate of clot formation, and the strength and stability of a clotting whole blood sample. This more complete description of the functioning of a patient’s hemostatic system represents critical information for guiding clinical intervention that is not available from PT and other more commonly used coagulation tests.